Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cover Letter

            I revised Project Two, the blog post, because it was by far my favorite of the three projects.  I revised my annotated bibliography, because I felt that my descriptions of the sources were not relevant to my topic the way I put them.  After revision I made my sources more clear on the authors stance on the topic as well as why I chose that specific article for my own blog.  I noticed after reading my blogs that I felt that it was more informational rather than arguing on a topic.  I really focused on making my points completely clear and why it was relevant to my topic on mainstream music.  All the information was there but I found that it was confusing exactly why I was bringing up these points, because it felt like my ideas were just dropping off because I was not clear on why these topics were relevant.  I had to keep asking myself “SO WHAT?” in order to do so.
            The most important thing I learned in English 1200 was how to speak my voice through papers without using “I” and to me that seemed effective when I was arguing issues.  Before this class I realized how my arguments make sense but I felt that I was just spitting out information that someone else has already said, or that I was regurgitating information in a paper format.  Allowing for my voice show through without using “I” has really opened my eyes and has made it easier to get what I have in my head on paper.  This is the most crucial tool in writing in my opinion.  I also learned how to revise better and more effectively.  In the beginning of the semester all I did to revise was just to fix the things that I was told to when I revised.  After this class I learned a more effective way to revise, by taking the comments and really digging in to what the comments said and it really changed my paper and the way I thought about what I wrote.

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